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dbt Cloud IDE keyboard shortcuts

The Cloud IDE provides keyboard shortcuts, features, and development tips to help you work faster and be more productive.

Use this dbt Cloud IDE page to help you quickly reference some common operations.

Shortcut descriptionmacOSWindows
View the full list of editor shortcuts to help your development, such as adding a line comment, changing tab display size, building modified models, changing editor font size, and more.Fn-F1Fn-F1
Select a file to open.Command-OControl-O
Close the currently active editor tab.Option-WAlt-W
Preview code.Command-EnterControl-Enter
Compile code.Command-Shift-EnterControl-Shift-Enter
Reveal a list of dbt functions in the editor.Enter two underscores __Enter two underscores __
Open the command palette to invoke dbt commands and actions.Command-P / Command-Shift-PControl-P / Control-Shift-P
Multi-edit in the editor by selecting multiple lines.Option-Click / Shift-Option-Command / Shift-Option-ClickHold Alt and Click
Open the Invocation History Drawer located at the bottom of the IDE.Control-backtick (or Control + `)Control-backtick (or Ctrl + `)
Add a block comment to the selected code. SQL files will use the Jinja syntax ({# #}) rather than the SQL one (/* */).

Markdown files will use the Markdown syntax (<!-- -->).